Images of you pigments my heart as how ink pigments the paper.
It sticks and absorbs through the paper,
just as how u flows and absorbs by my heart.
Everything will comes to an end sooner or later, respectable to time.
May the images of you tickles and pedals me on till its time to end,
Flower withers, water dries up.
Fire extinguishes, love stops.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rowing a sincere boat,
a boat-ful of roses,
thorns aside,
boat glides alongside.
Alongside a yard of roses of thorns,
all attention onto you.
All so perfect and graceful.
Nothing else describes the beau of you.
Of you in my heart.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Don't say goodbye as yet,
Its isn't over yet.
things just got started.
Isn't it wrong to stop now?
Don't stop please.
Please let this heart of mine continue for a purpose.
Let this soul of mine longs for you a little longer.
It's just a thought.
Just a thought traded for something, somewhere.
All i need is the air you breathe, and a place to hide my feelings.
To rest my feelings on you.
A place, a place you would prefer me to hide in,
a place where all you ever needed.
It's time to move, to move into the place you'd hide me in.
A place that only you and I knows of.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Light screwing out its solitary silence,
music 'blasting-ly' mute,
world's going wrong direction.
You came along and change my prospect of everything.
You may be the last to feel it,
I'm the first.
World starts revolving rightly position.
You've carried me to somewhere strange yet natural.
It's a normal yet different place,
a place where lights no longer screams,
music no longer being loud.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When the twinkling stars in the wonders of the skies forms your face,
i stare into the skies in appreciation,
When the wind ghastly whisper into my ear,
reminding me of your voice,
i enjoyed the moment of your beau in within,
Morning comes by,
and the clouds drew you in in.
Accompanied by the gentle awaking morning dew breeze.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -